الاثنين، 30 أكتوبر 2017

5 tips for the girl to keep her skin

Here are the most important tips and steps provided by skin specialist Paula Khalil to the girl to maintain the health and youth of her skin and avoid many of the problems and negative effects that distort the beauty and youth:

1. Maintain healthy and healthy habits, and follow a rich system of fruits, vegetables and various nutrients, and try to change their lifestyle and diet and health to retain the largest number of young people for many years, avoiding most, if not all, skin problems.
Treatment of the problem is easier than treatment of its effects, after consultation with the specialist; because it is better able to know the needs of the skin according to its type, taking care to deal with the specialist skin of learning Its limits and when to stop the girl to seek medical assistance if the situation is to avoid it.
3. Maintain the daily, night, eye and sunscreen daily throughout the year.
4. Use lukewarm water and not cold or warm when washing the face and the rest of the body to maintain moisturizing and natural secretions of the skin.
5. Take care to drink water and juice in the morning regularly with exercise and refrain from smoking.

healthy hair without being damaged

A large group of women aspire to shine long, thick and healthy hair without being damaged and dry, but most of the time their attempts to fail to be the result: light hair and canteen has no life. From this point of view, Yasmina chose to introduce you to the most important tips that will contribute to the length of your hair in a short time, and I will always depend on her with a long, healthy hair full of vitality.

Disposal of damaged limbs: Even if the goal is to prolong the hair, it is always necessary to start getting rid of damaged limbs, to restore life back to the hair and allow the food to travel comfortably between the roots and limbs. To find out more about hair care, read the following: Pictures, very clever hair tricks turn your hair light to thick

Keep away from exposing your hair to high heat: True, electric hair removal tools are the only one that guarantees you a stylish hairstyle suitable for your views. However, if you are hoping to have long, healthy hair in a short time, you should refrain from exposing the hair follicles to high heat.

Healthy diet: Choose foods high in protein and omega-3 fatty acids like fish. They nourish hair and promote rapid growth. Never underestimate foods that strengthen blood. Iron deficiency weakens the hair follicle, reduces its growth and causes its fall.

Massage Castor Oil: Castor oil is one of the most important natural ingredients that nourishes hair and promotes scalp growth. So, Yasmina advises you to use it and massage your scalp once a week, in a short time to get shiny, soft and long hair.

السبت، 28 أكتوبر 2017

For soft beauty skin tips

To face the net Calder farewell to the costs and pigments and grains and the result is guaranteed
Recipe for the treatment of the turmeric propolis to get rid of the fins and freckles / traces of young pills / pigments
Turmeric mask for a net face like the moon Eliminate costs and pigmentation permanently
Get rid of the costs Recipe for costs Experienced and effective 100% Put it in 3 weeks and you'll be dazzled by the result
Elimination of skin and skin pigmentation, dark spots in the face and effective peel (two test strips)
A great recipe for a net face Kalbadr farewell to the costs and pigments and the effects of grain and the result is guaranteed
Being like a moon with a clean, hairless face, pure white is my experience of a white face like a brilliant snow without wrinkles.
Be like the moon with a clean, hairless face, pure white and the freshness of my experience of a snow-white face
No matter how dark the part of God will disappear in half an hour only tried personally Facial bleaching Skin whitening
Put it every night before bedtime and say, and to avoid the costs and freckles and black spots swear by God tried and tested 100/100
The most successful combination to treat the cost and freckles and skin pigmentation and dark spots in the face and uniformity of skin color
Wash your face every day and tell me about the cost, the pigments and wrinkles, to face tight as the moon will not believe the result
The final solution to eliminate the lashes and facial spots in the face as a simple turmeric recipe
Always get rid of the costs, no matter how old Black spots Facial whitening Experienced and effective 100%
The strongest mixture for the treatment of dandruff and freckles and the result is clear in just 3 days for a clear face / lighten the dark places
Make yourself a magical turmeric cream to treat deep costs and get rid of acne and lighten the skin
The most powerful recipe for treatment of allergy and erythema pigments and black spots
Treating salvia with turmeric mask is best in destroying deep dark spots
Farewell to the skin problems to face as a woman of net pigments, costs and tested pills
Blended with snow white with one ingredient in each house Turmeric mask for bright white face For the flesh of a net without spots or costs
Wash your face every day and say, and Daaaaa for the costs and freckles and get on the face of the net as the moon will not ratify the Netieja
Eliminate blackheads, freckles and spots in just 3 weeks
For a net face like the moon and to get rid of the costs and freckles / grain / pigments and guaranteed recipe
An effective and proven recipe to get rid of the cost Add Thread to del.icio.us Bookmark in Technorati Furl this Thread! Dark spots in the face with a gift
Tell me about the cost of freckles and pigments and the effects of grain and get a white face net Calder
A proven recipe to get rid of dandruff, freckles and dark spots in the face and to unify skin color in two weeks
Turmeric mask to get rid of dark and dark spots and uniformity of skin color and proven guaranteed million million
The amazing mix that will make you 20 years younger and will bring back your skin youth
Turmeric mask for face and net without pimples
A very good treatment for removing wrinkles, freckles, and whitening the skin
Finish your problems with the pliers and freckles and the effects of the sun on your face and enjoy the skin attractive, clean and refreshed
With this component alone, the postnatal costs were treated / the most successful natural recipe for removing the ulcers and dark spots from the face
How to get rid of acne permanently? - Treat acne and irritate it quickly
Magic recipes for face and body
New and Exclusive Two natural recipes for the final elimination of the cost / freckles / effects of young pills / pigments
Eliminate the costs and freckles and brown spots in 3 days with only two ingredients | A terrible mask for the treatment of skin problems Guaranteed 100%

الجمعة، 27 أكتوبر 2017

ميران ٢٣ عام من بيروت .تعارف باحترام

مرحبا انا ميران من بيروت
عمري ٢٣ عام
ابحث عن تعارف بشاب عربي
ما بيهم جنسيته اهم شئ يكون رومانسي كتير و بيقدر الانثي و بيحب الرومانسية اهم شئ
و يكون بيشجع ريال مدريد 😂😂 شرط أساسي الا يكون مدخن أو مدمن كحوليات
ارغب بالزواج به
لكل من تنطبق عليه الشروط ممكن كومنت و متابعة و ارجو بكل احترام انا جادة و احب الاحترام جدا .
سلام حبايبي